Shiatsu Fees & Registration

Training fees & registration process

If you wish to register onto any of our courses please Email Us. 

We will then send you an application form, payment details and the relevant syllabus.

We are happy to welcome into our 2nd and 3rd year courses students who have completed relevant prior studies elsewhere (e.g. finished 1st year to enter our 2nd year etc) under Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL). Please email us as above to discuss.

See our fees below.

All fees can be paid monthly to spread costs.

Japanese Bonsai pant at Glasgow School of Shiatsu

Fees 2023-24

1st year (part 1)

Foundation Level

3 weekends


1st year (part 2)

Shiatsu & the Five Elements

8 weekends
2 individual days
2 online evenings


2nd year

Zen Shiatsu

10 weekends
4 day residential at Lendrick Lodge


3rd year

Shiatsu Unlimited

11 weekends
Clinic days

3rd year
