3rd Year

Shiatsu Unlimited – Shiatsu Practitioner Development 

In this Shiatsu practitioner final year of the GSS Diploma we focus on widening and deepening your knowledge, understanding and practical Shiatsu skills. In preparation for professional practice we encourage you to engage in a community project in which you undertake some activity which will spread Shiatsu to those who might not otherwise come into contact with our effective and relaxing therapy. We offer support in the form of 12 hours of one to one / one to two tutorials as well as extensive supervised clinic experience.

Course Content

  • Shiatsu for specific conditions: MS, MND, cancer, Parkinson’s
  • Workshops focused on techniques for back pain, arm/shoulder/neck issues
  • Shiatsu during pregnancy
  • Advanced technique: Quantum Shiatsu, Seitai
  • Practice management & business skills
  • Deepened self-awareness and understanding
  • Introduction to research
Shiatsu students in Glasgow course
Glasgow School of Shiatsu 3rd year students giving a treatment.

Your Shiatsu is an expression of who you are.’

“I am not sure if that is my phrase or one of many words of wisdom from my teacher, Pauline Sasaki. In any event, developing confidence in your personal style and application of Shiatsu is something that, as Principal Teacher at the Glasgow School of Shiatsu, I wish to encourage in final year students. The Shiatsu journey is one of self-discovery in which we learn that the practice of Shiatsu is of benefit to ourselves as much as to our receivers. Being yourself, being authentic and centred in your heart and hara allows you to give truly connected and deep Shiatsu, from who you truly are.”

Elaine Liechti

Diploma Certificate

This level is open to students who have completed two years of studies in Shiatsu elsewhere, by APL.

On completion of all classes and assignments the GSS Diploma in Shiatsu will be awarded. There is a practical assessment with an external assessor. Theory and other topics required by the Shiatsu Society’s Core Curriculum are assessed at this level by continuous assessment or coursework, not by written exam. Since the School is fully ratified by the Shiatsu Society, this Diploma enables automatic professional membership of the Shiatsu Society (MrSS) and inclusion on the Society’s public Register of Professional Practitioners.

The Diploma is accredited by Laser Learning and is set on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) England at Level 4 (equivalent Level 7 on Scottish Qualifications Framework).